The Carbon Capture Pilot Plant was opened in November 2011.
The Amine Stripper Column was fabricated and set into operation at 128⁰C. It was made out of 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel and contained lean MEA.
A part of the column was protected with Durapol because it had a track record in providing excellent resistance to amines at elevated temperatures.
The customer had considered options to make the column out of 316L austenitic stainless steel or LDX-2101 duplex stainless steel or metal alloys such as C276 hastelloy or protect it with Durapol coating.
Durapol UHT was the only feasible option for protecting the equipment. Other options were very expensive and made the whole project commercially unreasonable.

The stripper column was being run at temperatures higher than normal, leading to a rapid build-up of heat-stable salts (HSS). Even though the stainless steel had outstanding chemical resistance, a situation arose where the layer of chromium oxide did not offer reliable protection due to low-oxygen environments with a very low pH.
Durapol UHT eliminated the corrosion of stainless steel, reducing the risk to the structural integrity.
The result of the inspection
After one year in service, the inspection showed that the unprotected stainless steel wall contained large numbers of small shallow discrete pits estimated to be 0.5-1.0mm in depth. Some significantly larger pits were also observed. The Durapol coating was found to be in perfect condition, and the edges had no evidence of undercutting or disbandment.
The total effect of Durapol solution
The Durapol UHT coating was recommended for absorber column and stripper column shells. This will allow the equipment to be made from carbon steel instead of stainless steel, saving at least £4m.