• refinery

    DuraPol protects Sulfinol Regenerator

Gasification unit. The Sulfinol Regenerator was fabricated and set into operation. The operation temperature is 130⁰C.

After being in service for seven years, in June 2006, the inspection found excessive corrosion around the sulfinol inlet and the head of the reboiler caused by mixed liquid/vapour return. There was no protective layer when the vessel was opened.

There were a number of options considered: Fabrication of a new vessel, stainless steel protection sleeve or other coatings.

Durapol UHT was the most affordable solution, providing excellent chemical resistance within the operating temperature.

Fabrication of a new vessel costs €850,000, and the stainless steel cladding costs €576,900. Durapol solution costs €14,979, which includes material, supervision and application. The customer saved at least €561,000 and reduced downtime significantly.


In the following six months, there were monthly inspections measuring wall thickness from outside the vessel. It shows that there was no metal loss.

After one year in service, an inspection was done by ABB Lummus Global B.V.

The result showed that there was no loss in wall thickness since the internal coating had been applied. The coating was in excellent condition.